Mandela Day…How can I make a difference?

Mandela Day…How can I make a difference?

Mandela Day falls on the 18th of July every year in South Africa but why should we keep it to one day, let’s make it Mandela week. You can give back on the 18th of July or any other day of this week. Some people don’t get around to giving back on the actual Mandela Day and before you know it the day is over, do not feel bad, you still have a chance to make your contribution the entire week.


What is Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela International Day (or Mandela Day) is an annual international day in honour of Nelson Mandela, celebrated each year on 18 July, Nelson Mandela’s birthday.[1] The day was officially created by the United Nations in November 2009,[2] with the 1st UN Mandela Day held on 18 July 2010.

The 46664 concerts and the Nelson Mandela Foundation invited the global community to stand with them in support of an official Mandela Day.[3] Mandela Day is not a public holiday, but is a day to honour the legacy of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s former President, and his values & beliefs, through volunteering and community service.[1][4]

Mandela Day is a global action that celebrates the idea that each person has the power to change the world, the ability to make an impact.

Charity Idea’s for Mandela Day

Giving back looks different for everyone, let’s make it work for you:

1. Donate clothes, food, and other essential items

2. Use the FOMO app, to find a special, take someone in need out for dinner/lunch, this will be an experience of a lifetime for someone, giving your gift of your time, your conversation and a warm meal…on special of course.

Get the FOMO App for free here:

See specials cta

3. Plant and grow trees for the well-being of all, with an focus being on fruit trees in support of food production for vulnerable communities

4. Throw a tea party for the children and carers at a children’s home

5. Offer to mow the lawn and fix up the garden at a nursing home or hospice

6. Research an issue you’d like to find out more about and then share your findings with friends on social media

7. Make sandwiches to give to people living on the street – and why not sit and have lunch with them while you’re at it?

8. Learn First Aid

9. Become an organ donor

10. Set up a recycling system for your home

11. Donate educational materials to Breadline Africa

12. Baby-sit for a single parent

13. Volunteer at an animal shelter

14. Donate books to your local library

15. Pick up groceries or medicine for an elderly person

16. Teach someone how to use a computer and the Internet

17. Donate your old computer to an under-resourced school

18. Take public transport for the day

19. Knit a blanket for someone in need

20. Write a letter to a newspaper editor about an issue you care about

21. Offer your skills (finance, marketing, customer service, etc.) to help an organisation run more efficiently

21. Buy a Bed for Someone in Need You can make sure that someone facing homelessness in the city of Cape Town, where homelessness is forever a growing social issue, has a place to sleep for the night. 

The Haven Night Shelter currently have 15 night shelters in the Cape Town, they have a facility where you can book a night’s stay at one of their shelters for someone who needs it. All you have to do is donate from as little as R15 to R750 to the shelter to get a bed for someone in need of shelter for the old evening.

Mandela Day…How can I make a difference?

22. Donate Blood at Your Nearest SANBS Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, blood donations from young people have dropped 20%! And as this part of South Africa forms the largest part of South Africa’s population, the donations are urgently needed this Mandela Day, and throughout the year. You can find out where to donate your blood and how your blood can make a difference on their website here

Mandela Day…How can I make a difference?

23. Sign Up for a Community Clean Up Communities in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) have begun a process of repairing the damage caused by the raging floods the province experienced in April. Littering and waste disposal is a major problem for many communities across South Africa as some municipalities have witnessed problems with waste collection problems and general service delivery problems.