FOMO, Download South Africa’s biggest restaurant specials and discounted activities savings app
Download The FOMO app and get access to restaurant specials and discounted activities near you based on your location
Want to get your restaurant or business listed? Send us message on +27 77 451 6611 and lets get started.
FOMO is a super simple and user friendly app for the every day person looking for a good special at their favorite restaurant or discounted activities. The FOMO app uses geo location to show you the restaurant specials, drink specials, events, activities and more nearest to you. Smart right?!. Best thing about FOMO is that it’s free for all users.
Why Fomo
FOMO was created out of a need that the founders, Ryan Marx and Jacqueline du Plessis had. And, That many South Africans struggle with. The need to see specials in your area. Specials that are valid and not outdated. Specials that are near your location and most of all, not to overspend when we don’t have to right! “And this is is why we created this app because we were sick of laying in bed on a Saturday or having a lazy Wednesday where we don’t want to cook dinner. Asking the age-old question… where should we go for dinner?!”
I’m sure as many of you know, this causes major frustration because we don’t want to spend an arm and a leg to eat out. As a result worst of all, going out to eat and you see afterward that the place next door had a 2 -for-1 cocktail happy hour special. Oh, that really grinds my gears friends. Well, that’s why we came up with FOMO, the app that tells you where to find the special you are looking for. Great for restaurants, because they don’t have to spend thousands trying to get their specials seen on Facebook. Hella great for consumers because we don’t have to rely on restaurant owners to use their Instagram marketing skills. Win-Win for everyone!